Saturday 9 February 2013

Charlie 13

Charlie 13: Would you like to be Tagged?

Click here for the video

This is a very interesting video. Just makes you think hard where we are heading. It is not where we could end up,it is also what and how life would change with these new developments.

We all love to be advantageous and follow our inquisitiveness take us. However, would you like to be chipped/tagged. It only reminds me of tagging/chipping the farm animals to keep track of this growth and other developments and the wild animals that researchers want to track. The tracking to me is more like "big brother" watching over your shoulder...

Technological developments can always bring changes to ways we live, work and socially interact. However, when it crosses the line to interfere personal life it takes a different path altogether. Many of us will agree about the medical advancements that technology provides us today. But does that mean you want to ruin your personal life being tagged? Would you prefer to be free or being watched through a tagging system. I personally will feel like I am taken to a prison for the rest of my life if I get tagged...

No wonder Charlie resist to this and wants to wonder with his inquisitive mind!

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